

An elderly drunk man gets run over by an SUV while sitting in the road - Mexico


A video camera captured the moment when a vehicle ran over a grandfather in the streets of Puebla. The elderly man was on the ground when the vehicle passed its wheels over his body.The events occurred on the corner of 28 Oriente and 20 Norte. In the footage, a man was seen lying on the road, trying to cross from one sidewalk to another, but having difficulty moving.Later, a car passes by, which, upon noticing Grandpa, surrounds him so as not to cause him harm. But, seconds later, a white truck now appears, which turns at the intersection. And, unlike the other vehicle, it runs over the subject, running over him and leaving him lying in place.After that, the truck leaves the place. Meanwhile, the man remains injured on the ground for a few moments. Then, he could be seen trying to get back on his feet , an action that he could no longer perform.Unofficially, the version was spread that the grandfather was a 70-year-old person. Likewise, the reason why he was seen lying on the ground is because he was under the influence of alcohol.

1 week ago