Motorcyclist loses control and knocks pedestrians down like bowling pins - Jacareí, Brazil
Five women from the same family were run over. A pregnant woman is in the ICU.Five women from the same family were run over by a motorcycle while walking on a sidewalk in Jacareí , in the interior of São Paulo, late Friday afternoon (5).An establishment's security camera caught the accident. The image is strong and therefore was frozen at the moment the victims are hit.The video shows the moment when five women - including two children - are walking on the sidewalk, when they are hit by the out-of-control motorcycle.According to information from the Military Police, the accident happened at around 5:50 pm, on Teófilo Teodoro Resende road, in the Jardim Colinas neighborhood.One of the victims was rescued in serious condition and taken to Santa Casa de Jacareí. She was nine months pregnant. According to the family, an emergency cesarean section was necessary . The baby was born and is doing well. Her mother is in the ICU.In addition to her, a 15-year-old girl suffered a broken leg and was also taken to the same hospital. There is still no information about the other women and the motorcyclist.The case will be investigated by the Jacareí Civil Police.
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