PMC ‘Wagner’ mercenaries execute a defector
A defector from the ‘Wagner’ group surrendered and decided to fight for Ukraine, but was kidnapped and executed. They smashed his head with a sledgehammer. Yevgeny Nuzhin, a repeat offender, served 23 years in prison. When Yevgeny Prigozhin began to recruit prisoners in the Wagner PMC, Nuzhin agreed to sign the contract. As he says in the video, he signed a contract in order to surrender to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and fight against Putin. Yevgeny Nuzhin gave several interviews to Ukrainian journalists. On November 11, another exchange of prisoners of war took place between Russia and Ukraine. Probably Nuzhin was exchanged by the Ukrainian side and he ended up on the territory controlled by the RF Armed Forces, where he was executed. One of the leaders of the Wagner PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, commented on the death of a former prisoner: I prefer to watch history in the theatre. As for (the man killed with a sledgehammer) *, in this show it is clear that he did not find happiness in Ukraine, but met with unkind, but fair people. It seems to me that this film is called “Dog – dog death.” Excellent directorial work, looks at one go. I hope no animals were harmed during filming. *An untranslatable adjective from the word “sledgehammer” said in a destructive form.
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