

Woman gets arm stuck in sugarcane juicer, somersaults in the air - Vietnam


In a moment of carelessness, the woman got her arm stuck in the sugarcane juicer, causing her whole body to be thrown up like a "circus performer".Recently, a clip was shared on social networks recording images of a rare accident at a water shop, making netizens scared.The video clip shows the owner of the shop squeezing through the door to get inside the house, but unfortunately his hood got caught on the handle of the sugarcane juicer that was still spinning.Surprised and unable to free herself in time, the sugarcane juicer's handle caught the woman's shirt and left arm. Immediately after, the victim was thrown into the air and hit the ground. Just then, her husband discovered what had happened and quickly ran over, turning off the power to stop the machine.Fortunately, the woman was not seriously injured, but this is certainly a lesson for everyone to be more careful when using household machinery. Many people also said that when working, especially when using electrical machinery, you should wear neat clothes, tie your hair up high, and minimize getting caught.Because there have been many similar household accidents in the past, causing the victims to be seriously injured or even die.

6 months ago
  • Anonymous ◦ 5 months ago

You got shake the sugar tree

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